progressive block usage
U IHI Block

U IHI Block

In the lubrication industry, IHI U blocks are a very smart distributor, they are widely used in the trailer and chassis industries. And the cross bars could double the discharge when usage.It could work with the oil or grease lubricant

P.N. Description Discharge Max Pressure Max cycle rate Working Temperature Grease Number
37801-1 4 outlets 0.3ml/cyc 15Mpa 200cyc/min


60cyc/min   (with indicator)

20 degree to 60 degree Oil > #68 or NLGI #000-#2
37801-2 6 outlets
37801-3 8 outlets
37801-4 10 outlets
37801-6 12 outlets
IHI u blocks is very small to instalment

Small and easy to instalment

The IHI progressive blocks are very small and could fix in any limited postion.


IHI could provide the cross port to double the discharge and could add the indicator pin or switch to count the cycle.

IHI crossport and swtich

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Here is the general information on the IHI U blocks.

What's the pressure range?

If the lubricant is grease, the working pressure is 150kgs, talking about the oil, the pressure is 60kgs.

What's the start pressure?

The start pressure is 14kgs.

What's kind of the outlets the IHI blocks has?

The IHI blocks has 4,6,8,10,and 12 outlets

Does the IHI blocks could double the discharge?

Yes,we could use cross port to double the discharge.

IHI U Block
Details of IHI U Blocks
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